Query Pricing
About the API
Query Pricing API is used to provided product unit prices for catalogue prices. Prices include local tax rates where relevant. All prices are stored in the system with a unique ID. This ID can be used later to lookup the details of a price.
API Details
Authentication Methods
This API is using the following Security Policies:
Authorization OAuth 2.0
In order to use the required endpoints, you must first be issued a token. To get a token for this API, you must use our OAuth2 endpoint. Please see our Security section for details on using OAuth2, getting a token and using this token on this API.
Below are the base URLs used for this API:
Sandbox | https://pricing.sandbox.api.bunnings.com.au/pricing |
Test | https://pricing.stg.api.bunnings.com.au/pricing |
Live | https://pricing.api.bunnings.com.au/pricing |