
Teams allow developers to share responsibility for an app that is owned by a team. You can create a team and then add other developers (called “members”) to your team in order to provide access to team-managed apps (API keys).

Teams can be created in sandbox- test and live developer portal environments. The teams in each portal are separate from each other and only have access to the APIs for that portal.

To get access to Partner APIs in each portal apply a Partner Access Code to unlock the Partner API Products you’ve been given access to. See Partner APIs for more details.

NOTE: We recommend you keep the name of your team the same across both portals.


Role Description

Full read and write privileges for developer team members, developer team details, and apps.

When you create a team, you will be assigned the owner role by default.

We recommend having two owners per team.

App Developer

Read-only privileges for developer team members and developer team details.

Read and write privileges for apps.

Viewer Read-only privileges for developer team members and developer team details. Read-only privileges for apps.

Create a Team

To create a team:


Log into sandbox-test or live


Go to Your Teams


Click the Create a team button


Enter a team name. We recommend you use your registered business or company name


Click Add team

Viewing and Switching Teams

If you have more than one team, you can switch the view from one team to another:


Log into sandbox-test or live


Go to Your Teams. Here you will see a list of your teams
Note: If you have not been added to a team you will not see any listed.


Select (Enter) a team to switch to that team and to view its members, apps (API Keys) and to apply Product Access Codes
Use the Team Switcher in the top left to switch teams and view that team

Note: Partner API Products are unlocked for a particular team. Switch from one team to another your view and access Partner API Products unlocked for that team.

Manage Your Team

Teams and their members are managed separately across sandbox-test and live portals to give team owners complete control over which developers are allowed to access API keys from sandbox, test or live environments.

Add Team Members


Log into sandbox-test or live


Go to Your Teams


Select a team to view its members


Click members


Click Invite members, in the members section of the team


Add the email of the developer
You must enter the email in all lowercase and they must already be registered on the developer portal, or else the user will not be associated correctly with the team


Specify the role of the user


Click Invite members

Pending Invitations

Developers invited to be part of a team will have their invitation Pending, until they accept the invitation in the Developer Portal (either by logging in, going to My Profile and accepting the invitation or clicking the email link sent to them).

You can Revoke or Resend the invitation for any developer with a Pending invitation.

NOTE: A team must have at least one owner.

Change Team member roles


Log into sandbox-test or live


Go to Your Teams


Select a team and click members to view its members


Click Edit on the member that you want to edit and specify the role of the user


Select a new role for the member


Click Save

NOTE: A team must have at least one owner.

Remove yourself from a team

You can also follow the above instruction to remove yourself from the team, providing you are not the only owner.

Delete a Team


Log into sandbox-test or live


Go to Your Teams


Select a team


Click Delete


Type the team name and click Delete

WARNING! This action cannot be undone. Once deleted, any applications associated with that team will also be deleted (including the API keys in that app). Any application using those API keys will immediately cease communicating with any Bunnings API. Creating a new team, and keys in test or live will require re-approval of your keys for any selected products.

Manage Your Team Apps

You can add, delete and change your team apps from your team page. To access and manage your team apps, follow the steps below and see Accessing the APIs for detailed instructions on managing apps.

Anyone who is a member of your team will be able to view the team apps and API keys in those team apps.


Log into sandbox-test or live


Go to Your Teams


Select a team and click Team apps